Issued by the International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC)
For Immediate Release
6 February 2025
MICHAEL Davidson PhD, Chairman of the London-registered International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC) gave evidence this week (FEB 4) at the start of what is thought globally to be the first criminal trial of gay ‘conversion practices’.
The case features Matthew Grech, 34, a Maltese Christian Worship Leader is facing criminal charges for allegedly discussing and advertising ‘conversion practices.’
Mr Grech, a ‘Malta X-Factor finalist’, faces trial because his country bans the advertising of ‘conversion practices’. If convicted, he could face five months in prison, and/or fined 5,000 Euros. The case could send a chilling challenge to the freedom of the press, and to anyone wishing to publicly discuss professional client-centred therapy options of people seeing help with unwanted sexual desires.
In April 2022, Mr Grech was invited by PMnews Malta to share the story of how he had become a Christian, leaving behind a homosexual lifestyle and unwanted same sex attraction. The interview was advertised on the channel’s Facebook page. The interview topic was chosen by the programme presenters. Mr Gretch was simply a ‘guest’.
Mr Grech shared details of his childhood sexual confusion and relationships, stating that as an adult, he’d been involved in homosexual relationships before becoming a Christian which, he said, had changed his life dramatically. At no point during the programme did Mr Grech invite listeners to attend therapy, or to encourage anyone to get help for unwanted same-sex attraction, although IFTCC was mentioned. However, Silvan Agius, a cabinet expert for the European Union’s Commissioner for Equality, reported Mr Grech and the presenters to the police.
In the programme, Mr Grech stated that he didn’t agree with the term ‘conversion therapy’, adding that for over 2,000 years, globally, all the mainstream Christian dominations have believed that sexuality was not an identity in itself. He said: “In the Bible, homosexuality is not an identity as we make it nowadays., neither is it a feeling, but a practice. This means that no matter what sexual feelings a man or a woman is experiencing, if they have sexual relations with a person of the same sex, the Bible says they commit the homosexual ‘act’ in God’s eyes, and that, the Bible says, is a sin. Just like every other sin, one can repent from it and ask God for forgiveness and ask Him for strength to overcome… I’m talking here from a Christian perspective…”. After the interview the Maltese police served a prosecution order on him, accusing him of advertising ‘conversion practices’, and breaking Article 3 ( a ) ( iii ) of Chapter 567 of Maltese laws.’ [1]
Mr Grech believes he is being aggressively targeted by members of the Malta Gay Rights Movement who say Christian beliefs on marriage, human identity – and any debate surrounding LGBT lifestyles – should be treated as a criminal offence. In 2016, Malta became the first EU country to ban what LGBT campaign groups describe as ‘conversion therapy’. However, the LGBT lobby, and the Maltese’ Government is struggled to define what ‘conversion therapy’ is – something successive British Governments have struggle with, and Labour ministers delaying the introduction of a ‘Conversion Therapy Ban’ here in the UK.
In 2018, Mr Grech first made headlines for telling his Christian story as a contestant on ‘X Factor Malta’ – and has been targeting by the LGBT lobby ever since.
In court papers submitted by the police, the IFTCC is mentioned as a leading global body which creates professional standards and provides ongoing professional training and supervision for therapists and academics working in the field of client-centred therapy for people with unwanted same sex attraction, and/or gender dysphoria.
In his Affidavit submitted to the Court in an attempt assist the Magistrate, Dr Davidson said: “None of the organisations with which I am associated support aversive, coercive, or shaming treatments however they are termed, regardless of whoever applies them or wherever they’re practised. Those working with us uphold LGBT dignity but wish to preserve the right and freedom of individuals to move away from unwanted same-sex and transgender attractions, behaviours or identities.
“The IFTCC seeks to support the rights and freedoms of individuals to access therapeutic choice and of providers to enable such professional opportunities. Such counselling help is sought by those for whom LGBT identities and practices are no longer congruent with their personal values and/or religious beliefs. It should be apparent that the pejorative imposed term ‘conversion therapy’ is being used to nullify any legitimate, exploratory therapeutic and counselling interventions by professionals supporting individuals with unwanted same-sex or transgender identities and behaviours.”
Dr Davidson explains that the IFTCC’s primary goal is “to provide clients … with a safe and caring environment, free from pressure to conform to political ideologies or religious indoctrination. The client’s right to self-determine their own life choices are central to our approach, as we seek to offer people a place where they can explore their feelings and determine how they want to live their lives.”
Recognising the trail-blazing nature of the Malta case, and the potential knock-on effect in other countries, Dr Davidson said: “Discussions around the nature and extent of movement around sexual feelings and beliefs are influenced by a socio-political climate, especially in the western world that makes nonpartisan scientific inquiry into the issue of sexual fluidity, or so-called ‘sexual orientation’, very difficult to achieve. This is also hampered by the dominance of advocacy science over enquiry science that refuses ideological diversity and operates from only one received viewpoint, whether might be either ‘progressive’ or ‘conservative’.”
His Affidavit concludes: “One of the most obvious concerns is the need to understand the nature of change that is being promoted or opposed, and how this is influenced by conceptualisations of sexuality. Whether commentators are proponents of change, or opponents of change will depend on whether ‘change’ is seen in absolute, fixed terms, or along a continuum of fluidity.
“Essentialists see sexuality as hard-wired, and sexuality as an unchangeable, innate characteristic. Constructivists are amenable to human sexuality moving according to a fluidity spectrum in the case of many individuals. Clearly essentialists and constructivists will have radically different opinions on the issue of change-allowing therapy approaches. Those with pessimistic views about change-allowing therapy, are likely to be essentialists promoting the idea that the only possibility for change must be categorical and 100% effective. Constructivists will understand change along a continuum, from effective, or even modest management, to a sense of some or significant change (in behaviours, attractions and or feelings) through to the exceptional case of categorical change.”
Commenting on the global ‘test case’, Dr Davidson, who was in Malta representing the IFTCC, said: “The freedoms of speech, conscience and religion are being attacked. The fact is that therapeutic and counselling choice is a fundamental right. Governments promoting monocultural viewpoints – this idea that sexual orientation is inborn and unchangeable, and that gender is unrelated to biological sex – are denying those unwilling to identify as LGBT the right to leave identities and practices no longer relevant to them. This is a human rights issue.”
The case continues April 30.
Editor’s Notes:
[1] Article 3 of Malta’s draconian Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender and Gender Expression Act, states that: ‘It shall be unlawful (a) for any person to: (i) perform conversion practices on a vulnerable person; or (ii) perform involuntary and, or forced conversion practices on a person; or (iii) advertise conversion practices; and, or (b) for a professional to: (i) offer and, or perform conversion practices on any person irrespective of whether compensation is received in exchange; or (ii) make a referral to any other person to perform conversion practices on any person.’
For further information/interview:
Dr Mike Davidson +44 7833098998
IFTCC Chairman
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