International movements to ban therapeutic choice stifle or jam open debate about therapy and pastoral care. Research being presented to politicians and decision-makers imposes findings relevant to LGBT-identified and practicing individuals, which are generalized to former- and non-LGBT identified persons who experience same-sex attractions.
Consequently, the existence of such non-LGBT identified persons who experience attractions for the same sex and/or, unwanted gender dysphoria and incongruency, is not recognized. ‘Essentialist fundamentalism’, the idea that sexuality is innate and immutable continues to be promoted by progressives as the only way to understand sexuality. The language of ‘orientation’ similarly continues to be promoted and uncritically embraced as a fixed, inherited, and unchangeable reality, by both Church and State.
Some Christians increasingly articulate a new anthropology wherein LGBT+ identity is embraced as part of the Creative Order; redemption necessitating ‘celibacy’, (not ‘abstinence’) – rather than transformation. How do we enter into the Wind and respond to these challenges? Re-affirming purpose by reconnecting sexuality and gender is an important start; understanding attachment and the role of community is vital as we serve those seeking help.