Dr Laura Haynes, chair of the IFTCC Research Science and Research Council, and Dr Andre van Mol (featured in video), member of the IFTCC’s Medical Council, have been involved in the development and promotion of the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration, to which the IFTCC is a co-signatory. The following is a statement released about this initiative.
Issued by the International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC)
Press Release
For Immediate Release
14 June 2024
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A LONDON-BASED International Foundation received an unexpected boost in its bid to get doctors and therapists to protect children from the current gender transition practices, when Elon Musk retweeted their campaign launch to his 187 million ‘X’ followers!
In a post on ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) on June 8, the billionaire entrepreneur posted “Wow.” to a post by Robby Starbuck, an American TV show host, who posted: “The American College of Paediatricians just put out a statement calling out the major medical associations, by name, for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.
“They ask these groups to ‘IMMEDIATELY’ stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.”
Mr Starbuck himself has 463,500 ‘X’ followers!
On June 6, at a campaign launch at the National Press Club in Washington DC, the ‘Doctors Protecting Children Declaration’ was signed and launched by the American College of Paediatricians and co-signed by the London-based International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice, and many other professional organisations and individual health professionals. Together they represent thousands of health and mental health professionals.
The global admonishment of key US medical organisations comes at a time when a rising number of psychologists and therapists believe that such organisations should instead, commission comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying psychological co-morbidities, and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria.
Dr Laura Haynes, Chair of the IFTCC Science and Research Council said: “We were thrilled when Mr Musk helped our campaign and made millions of people aware of the latest research. That research increasingly shows that surgical and hormonal interventions, when patients present with gender issues, does not benefit the patient. In fact, evidence across many global studies shows that after surgery and/or hormone blockers, the patient has just as many counselling sessions and, they remain on as many prescribed medications as before.
“Surgery and hormone interventions, before carefully understanding the underlying psychological issues, over time, is both damaging to the patient, and goes against the Hypocritic Oath, particularly the statement: ‘I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm’.”
Dr Haynes concluded: “We have very serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States, the UK and Europe, when they express discomfort with their biological sex.”
The ‘Doctors Protecting Children Declaration’ relies strongly on the Hilary Cass Review, commissioned by NHS England, as well as additional research and the lead of several European national health authorities. Co-signers of the Declaration say that they will “encourage the physicians who are members of these professional organizations to contact their leadership and urge them to adhere to the evidence-based research now available.”
At the launch, Dr Van Mol, a family physician in the US, and a member of the IFTCC Medical and Clinical Council, said: “Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis … transgenderism is an ideology. Transition affirmation is notproven to be safe or effective long term. It does not reduce suicides. It does not repair mental health issues or trauma. Minors cannot give truly informed consent. Children have developing and immature brains. Their minds change often. They are prone to risk taking, they are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they don’t grasp long term consequences.”
“Refusing to provide gender transition procedures or so-called gender affirming health care is non-discriminatory and is appropriate both professionally and scientifically.”
A clip of his speech, following Elon Musk’s intervention, has gone viral. It can be accessed at https://x.com/ACPeds/status/1799176251912896595
- The IFTCC (iftcc.org) invites everyone to sign the Declaration, which can be done via: http://www.doctorsprotectingchildren.org/.
For further information/interview:
Dr Laura Haynes, PhD laura.haynesphd@iftcc.org
Chair, IFTCC Science and Research Council
Dr Mike Davidson +44 7833098998 mike.davidson@iftcc.org
IFTCC Chairman
For further media help: media@iftcc.org
Editor’s Notes
Dr. Laura Haynes is an Executive Board member, the USA Country Representative, and the Chair of the Science and Research Council for the International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice. A psychologist retired after 40 years clinical experience, she has served as an expert on sexuality and gender research for professional organizations, members of parliaments, other legislators, courts, United Nations delegates, and high-level government officials.
Mr Elon Musk’s re-tweet is shown below ….
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